Things Mobile IoT Connectivity Platform

Things Mobile is a complete, end-to-end IoT connectivity provider. Our IoT connectivity platform allows manufacturers, service providers and their customers to manage Internet of Things devices from a single dashboard. With coverage of over 350 suppliers in more than 165 countries, we enable truly global deployments.

Here's what you can do with the Things Mobile IoT connectivity platform:
  • Manage your IoT devices
  • Monitor your implementations
  • Protect your connectivity
  • Optimize global billing and billing
  • Integration with other tools
Manage your IoT devices
Whether you have hundreds of thousands of connected devices or just a few hundred, you need a platform that allows you and your customers to manage them individually. Here are some of the ways you can manage your IoT and M2M devices with Things Mobile.
Control connectivity
From the dashboard you can activate, suspend or deactivate the connectivity of your device in real time. Do you want your devices to connect immediately? Things Mobile allows you to configure them to instantly connect to any available network.
Priority to network selection
You want your customers to enjoy the best connections at the best prices. With Things Mobile, you can define network selection priorities for individual countries based on signal strength and price.
Over-the-air SIM provision
When you need to assign and reassign SIMs or give them a new profile, you can't just recall all devices or fly to every customer. Things Mobile allows you to assign, reassign and deliver your SIM Over-the-Air (OTA) in real time without losing your device configuration.
Establish service profiles
Not all devices require unlimited access to the network. In fact, most shouldn't have it. In our M2M connectivity management platform, you can define data consumption limits and access permissions for each device.
Keep track of your devices
Things Mobile allows you to geo-track and geo-fence your device via cell ID and geolocation information. Receive alerts when a device leaves or enters the georeferenced area and locate your devices in real time.
Get device-level reports
Sometimes you just want high-level data on a distribution. But with Things Mobile, you can also get granular data and analyze current and historical data for each device.
As your connectivity platform, we will implement several powerful cybersecurity features on behalf of your business. Here are some of the ways we protect your connected devices.
Network Firewall
Things Mobile offers you network-level security. Our network-based firewall restricts data connections, allowing you to control which devices can communicate with yours.
We provide multiple virtual private network (VPN) options. With a VPN, you can send all data traffic directly from your device to your application, eliminating the opportunities to intercept your broadcasts.
IP subnet segmentation
Our private and dedicated subnets create another layer of separation between your device and other third-party devices.
Simplified global billing and invoicing
Global deployments create some challenging billing and billing scenarios for your customers. There is a lot to watch from network to network, country to country and customer to customer. Things Mobile's connectivity platform makes these challenges easier to address.
Manage custom rates
Directly within your connectivity platform, you can define customized usage rates by zone, country or network. You can also select and manage rates such as recurring charges and included volumes on a per customer basis.
View your charges in real time
Things Mobile charges rates in real time, instantly providing detailed billing information that your customers can view in their dashboard.
It supports multiple currencies
As a global service provider, Things Mobile supports multiple currencies, making it easier for customers to pay you.
Integration with other tools
Things Mobile allows you to seamlessly integrate all functionalities into your other systems, applications and processes. Our Restful API allows you to access all connectivity and management features from device management applications.